Fraud Awareness Tip of the Week Corruption fraud schemes account for 33% of all workplace fraud and the average fraud loss due to organizations is …read more
10 Red Flags of Payroll Fraud
Payroll Fraud Payroll fraud occurs nearly twice as often in small organizations with less than 100 employees than in large companies. The average instance of …read more
Fraud Tip of the Month
Billing Fraud Schemes Fraud of any nature can quickly drain company profitability. Billing schemes account for 28.7% of all fraud and is one of the …read more
How Corporate Culture Can Prevent Fraud
Did you realize that companies that create a positive culture and ethical management style could prevent fraudulent activity? Fraud prevention is greatly reduced when upper management …read more
Expense Fraud is Costly but Preventable
It is just a few dollars here and there, right? An employee may take a carefree stance on the use, or in this case misuse …read more
Fraud Training in the Healthcare Industry
The healthcare industry, in its unique regulations, systems, procedures and records, is plagued by an estimated $80 billion a year in fraud (according to the …read more
Why the Healthcare Industry Can not Afford Vendor Fraud
Between 1990 until a few years ago in 2011, the Justice Department reclaimed nearly $3 billion from prosecuting fraudulent activity in healthcare. Millions more was …read more
Kickback Schemes are Devastating to a Non-Profit
Non-profits must follow strict measures to stay in compliance with non-profit status. Fraudulent schemes can hurt those efforts to maintain an ethical, well-respected non-profit. A …read more
How to Stop a “Non-Accomplice Vendor Scheme”
How easy is it to steal from your company? Savvy and dishonest employees may easily exploit internal weaknesses by running a “non-accomplice vendor scheme.” The …read more